From Louise Wise

Monday 27 May 2024

Cozy Fantasy books are the perfect place to find positive masculinity #cozy #postivemasculinity

 Guarding Gus: A Cozy Fantasy of Heartwarming Heroes and Positive Masculinity

Cozy fantasy and wholesome masculinity (sometimes called positive masculinity) go together like peanut butter and chocolate. Like fish and chips. Like Ryan Reynolds and Deadpool. 

Cozy mysteries have been around for over 20 years, but cozy fantasy sprung up only three years ago with Travis Baldree’s, Legends and Lattes. Couple this new genre with the rise in positive masculinity and you have a perfect outlet for heartwarming stories featuring male characters who express their genuine emotions, open up about their vulnerabilities and fears, and take the time to stop and enjoy life. 

The same way that readers find solace and joy in cozy fantasy, they can also find surprising lessons about positive masculinity in the pages of Guarding Gus, a cozy adventure that aims to provide a beacon for how men can use positive masculinity to strengthen bonds and deepen their connections.

(For our purposes, “male/men” refers to people who identify as male, people with masculine energy, people who express male attributes in personality, dress, hobbies, and style. This post is inclusive of transmen, intersex, two-spirit, gender-fluid peoples. What’s in your pants is not the only qualifier of maleness.)

 An Excerpt Illustrating Positive Masculinity in Guarding Gus by Karryn Nagel

Nico was smiling broadly, and Gus’s tongue was lolling out of his mouth. Both of them were looking at Brant with a mixture of admiration, friendship, and pride.

“I have something to talk to you about, too,” Nico said simply.

As Brant listened intently to Nico share about his transition, his mind was crowded with questions about the process of what it must be like to realize that you are not really a girl, but a boy — a man, he corrected himself silently. He wasn’t sure what was okay to ask, and he didn’t want to offend his new friend. He considered where his questions were coming from and found that they were mostly about wanting details that felt very private to ask a relative stranger. He filed most of his questions under “none of his business” and landed on the most important one of all, the one that had to be answered.

“How can I support you?” he asked Nico, who had finished speaking and was now looking at Gus, listening actively from Nico’s lap.

Nico felt his heart constrict at the clear nonjudgement in that one sentence. He considered the response when he told his family; his abuelita had stood up from the table and walked off to her room. His mother and father had both shifted uncomfortably, and his father finally spoke and said, “Sure, whatever, son,” placing a disapproving emphasis on the last word. Just weeks prior, his father had been saying that this was a phase that would pass, while his mother looked on sorrowfully.

A determined glint came into her eye, and she winked at Nico before rising from the table. Nico could hear her say down the hall, “Come with me, mi amor, and we are going to have a talk about your new son.”

His mother had also placed an emphasis on the last word, but this had some protective bite to it. It gave Nico’s heart a tiny flame of happiness in the echo of darkness.

Listening to Brant’s question had given Nico the same flame, this time a little stronger. He didn’t know this man, he didn’t know his troubles. Hell, he was barely figuring out his new and truest self, and this new friend had a better sense of “live and let live” than his own father. He slumped in his seat, feeling relief cascade over him in waterfall waves. He felt he had crossed a canyon by simply lifting his feet and was soaring across.

“I appreciate that, man. I really do. I tell you what. Why don’t we watch each other’s backs?” Nico said, smiling and scratching Gus’s head at the same time.

“Deal,” said Brant, smiling back.

Cozy fantasy and positive masculinity share something essential in common. Society needs a place of solace and warmth, a place of rest and simple pleasures, and both this new genre and this new behavior provides it. And the best thing about it? You’ve got nothing to lose by checking it out. 

Buy the book!

Monday 20 May 2024

Join Murphy Cassidy in a whirlwind of challenges and dreams as she faces the music—literally—in Cork, 2025. #shortstory #characterinterview

The Rebel Murphy
a short story 

Chiara Benedetta Condorelli

 Cork, 2025.

Murphy Cassidy works as a cleaner and faces many challenges both in her life and in her job. One day, she's unexpectedly invited to sing on a TV talent show, a dream opportunity that also offers a chance of a lifetime to a struggling rock band.

However, there's one thing that could prevent her from taking the stage, and no, it's not her lack of singing ability...

Character interview with Murphy Cassidy, the protagonist from The Rebel Murphy

What is your full name? Do you have a nickname?

Dia duit, Louise (it means "Hello” in Irish), and thanks for interviewing me. I hope you're doing well. My name is Murphy Cassidy. No, I don't have a nickname. Not that I know of, anyway.


Nice to meet you, Murphy. Your name tells me you’ve Irish heritage?

Yes, I was born in Cork, Ireland, but I’ve no idea of my age. My author didn't bother to give me a birth date, although I assume we share the same age because of specific circumstances described in the book that I'm not allowed to reveal. Don't worry, though, I'm of legal age.


I take it you’re a human? You seem human.

Yes, I'm definitely a human being. My author has put a lot of effort into making me sound and act like a human, although she barely likes to provide any physical descriptions (unless they're relevant to the plot) because she prefers the readers to imagine the characters with the features they want. I think I like that.

What are your likes/dislikes?

I love the Swords-born rock band Kodaline. My author made sure that they would have been relevant to the plot at a certain point. You can listen below and when you do, think of me. 

What are your likes/dislikes?

I love the Swords-born rock band Kodaline. My author made sure that they would have been relevant to the plot at a certain point.


Do you have a job/hobby?

I’m a cleaner, and I always wanted to be the best cleaner I could possibly be.


Are you in love?

I’m single, and I’m genuinely fine with that. I don’t envy those who are engaged, married or whatever because I prefer spending my time doing the stuff I enjoy the most.


Do you have any regrets in life?

I don’t have any regrets, so far, but anything can happen in life, and maybe there will be one thing I’ll regret thinking or doing someday.


Where do you live? Are you happy there?

I mostly drive throughout Ireland for work, and so far, there’s no place I ever disliked.


Who are your parents? Are they still alive?

My parents are Saoirse and Enda Cassidy. They’re still alive, and I get along with them pretty decently, given the circumstances (I live on my own, and I like it that way, despite knowing that this lifestyle has its own disadvantages).


Do you own a gun (or any other weapon)?

Nope, nope, nope! And so far, I’ve never been put in a position to kill someone. The dead don’t hire you or pay you any salary, after all.


What do you consider your greatest achievement so far? Do other people think it’s great?

My greatest achievement so far is living on my own with a job I like doing and without any harm done to anyone, I guess. I think that most people are okay with me living like this, but naturally, I wouldn’t like to know that someone thinks otherwise. I would like to thank you for this interview. Slán (it means “goodbye” in Irish)!

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Saturday 18 May 2024

Authors' Alliance Carousel - join up before the carousel becomes too full.

 📣 Attention authors! 📣

Promoting your book isn't always top priority, so why not join the Authors' Alliance Carousel and let someone else do it for you? 🚀 Connect with a supportive community where authors help each other reach new readers. It's easy and effective!

🎠 How it works:
1️⃣ Complete the sign-up form: Sign-Up Link
2️⃣ Set comment order to "ALL Comments."
3️⃣ Scroll to the end and find the last book.
4️⃣ Promote that book on your social media.
5️⃣ Reply to the author with your promo link.
6️⃣ Post your book link for the next author to promote.
7️⃣ Rejoin any time after promoting.
8️⃣ The first author promotes the last book before closing.

Thursday 16 May 2024

Indie authors, tired of promoting? Want to try something new? Psst... it's free. #bookmarketing #bookpromo #indieauthor


📣 Calling all authors! 📣

Ready to take your book promotions to the next level? 🚀 Join the Authors' Alliance Carousel and connect with a vibrant community of writers dedicated to supporting each other's success!
🎠 Here's how it will work:
1️⃣ Share your book on the Carousel.
2️⃣ The person BENEATH your link will promote your book.
3️⃣ The person on the Carousel first, promotes the last person on.
4️⃣ The Carousel will run for TWO weeks. After promoting a book you are free to rejoin the Carousel.
📚 Whether you write thrillers, romance, fantasy, or anything in between, there's a place for you in our carousel. Let's collaborate, uplift, and celebrate indie authors together!
👉 Drop a comment below if you're interested in joining or tag a writer friend who should know about this opportunity. Together, we can make a bigger impact in the literary world! 🌟

Thursday 25 April 2024

Heard of an 'elevator' pitch? Here's how you can extend it to a one-paged synopsis #writerchat #writingcommunity

 Imagine being trapped in a lift (elevator) with a publisher and having only a few minutes to present your book. What would you say? You have two minutes or less to impress that agent or publisher. Here's how to break it down:

- In 20 seconds, introduce yourself and your book, addressing the person by name.

- In 30 seconds, summarize your book concisely using brief and direct sentences. Who are the characters? What genre is the book? Be enthusiastic and avoid sounding apologetic.

- In 30 seconds, explain what distinguishes your book or yourself. What is unique about your writing style?

- In15 seconds, identify other authors or books with a readership that would likely enjoy your book.

- In 20 seconds, discuss your writing experience. If this is your first book, discuss any competitions you've participated in and highlight any accomplishments such as being shortlisted.

- In 20 seconds, provide an update on your book's marketing progress.

- In 15 seconds, share any feedback you've received from readers.

- In the final 10 seconds, express gratitude for their attention and offer them a copy of your book if you have one. Remember to give them your business card if you have it.

Practice your pitch in front of a mirror until you are fluent and without any "ums" or "you knows" dropping in. Practice your smile, record yourself speaking, and see where you start rambling or become unstuck.

You can use this formula to draft your synopsis, adjusting the seconds to line count. Keep it brief, preferably on one side of an A4 page. Font point 10 is just acceptable (but try to keep it point 12). You can adjust the margins to fit it all on one page.

This platform provides an exclusive chance for you to garner free promotion for both yourself and your book. Please reach out via email to

Wednesday 17 April 2024

Only 99p (or cents)! A time travel novel that's exquisitely British. Set in a village in #Northamptonshire #1970 #timetravel

Step into a quaint Northamptonshire village with a British time travel novel, now available for an unbeatable 99p (or cents)! 

Don't miss out on the chance to embark on a thrilling adventure through time. 


Julie grew up in a small village where her mother was known for her numerous flings. Her father, heartbroken, couldn't cope and eventually left the family home. Julie was unable to forgive her mother, and her feelings of anger and disillusionment only intensified when she was placed in foster care. Despite her difficult upbringing, Julie managed to turn her life around. She even forgave her mother enough to find her the best nursing home.

However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she's transported back to 1973 and forced to relive her traumatic childhood. Has she entered the afterlife following her accident, or has she genuinely travelled back in time?

There is a bigger problem.

She's not in her body. | Amazon.UK | Amazon.AU

Tuesday 16 April 2024

Author interview with Chloe Coontz - Dare to defy fate in a battle against darkness and doubt?

Dare to defy fate in a battle against darkness and doubt?

In 2010, a solitary figure stands at the edge of a bridge, teetering on the precipice between life and death. With a momentous decision hanging in the balance, she takes a step back, choosing to embrace the uncertain journey ahead.

Fast forward to 2011, and the young woman finds herself ensnared in a web of intrigue and mystery. It's revealed that a mysterious entity has been deployed to dissuade her from her chosen path, to challenge the resolve she thought she had solidified on that fateful day. Concurrently, she learns of a daunting task entrusted to her—to thwart the emergence of a malevolent force, a darkness that threatens to engulf everything in its path.

Now burdened with dual responsibilities, she grapples with the weight of her newfound knowledge. Time ticks away relentlessly as she races against the clock, navigating treacherous terrain where every decision could alter the course of destiny. With courage as her compass and determination as her guide, she embarks on a journey fraught with peril, ready to confront the shadows that lurk in both the external world and within her own soul.

Check out the book!

Unveiling Michelle: A Candid Conversation on the Inspiration Behind 'TEN MORE YEARS'

What is your full name? Do you have a nickname?

I was given an Italian name, and I gave myself an English name, but my author doesn't allow me to disclose either of them. You can call me Michelle, though: that's the name of my self-insert character in a short story I've written.

Yes, I write too. In fact, I'm a freelance writer and translator.

Where and when were you born? If you weren’t born, how did you come into being?

I was born and raised in Sicily. Now I'm in Piedmont, in the middle of the pandemic, and I'm not obviously happy to be here, but it could be worse. I don't miss my birthplace, though. I'm not ashamed of my roots, but if we talk about job opportunities and whatnot, I would've preferred to be born elsewhere.

If you looked in a mirror, would you like what you saw?

Not really. I have been punished by what I think is an extremely petty divine entity, but if I succeed in both my missions, I'll look at myself in the mirror and see something prettier for once... after a decade. I have some scars here and there that I got while fighting Daryce, an alien creature that is at the divine entity's service. Emotional scars? There’s as many as you want.

How old are you? Do you worry about getting older?

I’m 36 years old, and I’m doing my best to live enough to get older. I’m scared of being left to die alone, though, even if I have already devised a secret plan to address this fear properly that should please everyone.

Do you have any regrets in life?

Yes, I do. I have forgiven a (supposedly) human being for mistreating me, which resulted in her trying to kill me.

Who is the most important person in your life, and why?

I desperately try to remind myself that I'm the most important person in my life, and it’s not an easy task, given both my past and the current circumstances.

Who is the person you respect the most, and why?

Daryce, as strange as it may seem. She’s just doing her job, it’s not like she has a beef with me or something. She will never be my friend because of the circumstances we found ourselves in, but I respect her.

Do you have a secret? Does anyone else know the secret? What would happen if you told someone this secret? 

Yes, I have a secret. The few people who learned about it decided to flee, despite the fact that I never make this secret interfere with anything in my life... and I don't talk about it all the time. THEY wanted to know my secret, it wasn’t the other way round! I wanted to chat with them for like five minutes in a week, and yet I got treated as if I demanded to be listened all day, every day. That’s why I’m better off without friends.

Are you happy now your story has been told? Is there more to come?

Yes, I can consider myself happy that my story has been told. I can only hope that there’s more to come... no, I’m actively doing what I can so that there is more to come!

How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings?

Brutally honest. I only become mean to those who got mean to me, so I don’t consider myself a bad person. But you wouldn’t be happy to get to know most of my thoughts and feelings.

What, if anything, would you like to change about your life?

I’m literally doing everything to make sure that I still have a life to live before thinking of anything to change about it. It was nice having this conversation with you.

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