From Louise Wise

Wednesday, 23 May 2012

Hashtags on Twitter - what are they?


Hashtags are simply mini communities on Twitter. With hashtags you aren't just connecting with your followers. You're speaking to EVERYONE using that same hashtag. But some have rules so please check the guidelines - yes even hashtag communities have rules! 
Some hashtags are inspirational and others are for promoting, and did you know ANYONE can dream up their hashtag and even register it! For more information go to:

#kindletweet was created by a group of writers on Facebook (Writing Kindle Books) and was meant to help spread the word of our work - and it still is. But it's also a way to connect with other indies/small press writers.

Anyone can use it. Anyone, that is, who RTs (retweets posts) and CONNECTS with others. 

Use it, but please don't abuse it by dumping your content and running.

Sharing content gets you noticed!

1 comment:

  1. Ok, that's interesting, but I don't really know what I would do next or quite why?


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