From Louise Wise

Saturday, 30 June 2012

Sock Puppets - WTF!

Sock Puppets

What the heck are sock puppets, right? Well, have you ever run across an article or other document online that was obvious self-promotion? Oh, the ‘writer’ might have had a different name, but the intent was obvious, as was the bias. Those people who pose as an objective third person to promote their own sites and products are called ‘sock puppets’. They are obvious mouthpieces that serve only to promote their own interests. There are three types of sock puppets out there.

1.      The Gusher – These people will say stuff like ‘it is perfect’, the ‘best I’ve ever seen/read/used’, and ‘I’ll never use anything else’. Obvious promotion in this one. These people don’t even bother to hide the obsequious tone in their voice. The only thing that’s hidden here is the author’s true name.

2.      The Researcher – These people pretend to have done their homework. They’ll say things like ‘after extensive research’ or ‘after trying many similar products’ or ‘after comparing the quality’. Don’t be fooled by a good vocabulary and a fancy turn of phrase. They no more did research than the man in the moon.

3.      The Journalist – Objectivity is the cause of the day with this type. They will give seemingly objective and unbiased comments that are anything but. They will say things like, ‘despite the price’, or ‘though there were some flaws, overall the product was excellent’. They never point out any real flaws and always end up endorsing the product above all others.

It is not hard to spot a sock puppet. Watch the way they endorse the products, the language used, and the overly enthusiastic approach. While self-promotion is not taboo, there are much better and more transparent ways of going about it. Honestly, how good can the product be if you have to pretend to be someone else to endorse it?

Elizabeth’s Bio:
Liz just a simple lady tries to convey some of what it is like to date online through dating websites. For any further information on online dating you can email her at: liznelson17 “@ “

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