From Louise Wise

Thursday, 31 January 2013

Are you ready for a flash?

WWBB's short story/flash fiction competition has begun. There is still time to enter, but thanks to those who have booked their slot.

In case you're wondering, I asked writers/bloggers/funsters to write in with a piece of fiction and be entered into WWBB's short story comp (500 words approx), which could be a spin-off from your novel or a stand-alone short story.

The closing date is 25th February, and voting is encouraged by readers of the blog (mark yay or nay in the comment section) as each story is posted.

The winner will be announced end of March when everyone has had a fair chance on the blog. There is a prize of an author spotlight in a month of the winner's choice, and I'll buy, read and review his or her book (doesn't mean the review will be complimentary, I'm afraid).

Entrants so far:

John Hudspith
Robert Crompton
Peter DeMarco
Kathryn Hewitt
Christopher Savio
Sandra Bunino 

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