From Louise Wise

Sunday, 25 March 2012

Ruby Barnes - author: Ruby’s top ten tips for ebook publishing

I love finding blogs that share important information for us independent writers. It's what makes us feel we aren't alone; other writers going through the same old worries and niggles are just a click away.

I found Ruby Barnes' blog on Twitter (good old Twitter), and would like to share his wisdom with you. Check him out. 

Ruby Barnes - author: Ruby’s top ten tips for ebook publishing: You’re going to need a good book, one you believe in, one that has your author’s voice. That unique voice communicates your individual tale...
  1. You’re going to need a good book, one you believe in, one that has your author’s voice. That unique voice communicates your individual talent as a writer.
  2. Test your book on honest people before you consider releasing it. Make it the absolute best you can. Don’t regret, be proud.

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