From Louise Wise

Friday, 23 March 2012

Found something interesting for Kindle authors...

Kindle Promo

Might be worth a look? I spotted it on Twitter. I've not looked into it in great detail, but, as you know, I'm always on the look out for new promo ideas. Here's the intro to the site:

Firstly, following the successes on twitter this site has been set up to extend the social medium and help indie authors, self publishers and authors in general spread the word about their books.

Secondly, the objective is to act as a resource to assist those going through the process. Be it writing, scratching their heads in bewilderment around the self publishing options and trying to figure out an efficient and economical way to market their works.

I have experience in all of the above and have struggled with most of them. So the idea is on a mass scale to share what we have learned and what we know...

Click for MORE

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