Though Sheena is not happy with her current relationship with the sexy Waymond Ingram, she fears being alone. But readers will soon learn that Waymond is bringing more to the relationship than just his love.Tasha is a busy lady. She has a short story called The Thrill of My Loss, which is available as a download as well as her current novel: When A Tattered Past Catches You.
Willa is a tough strong willed woman who has always done whatever it took to take care of her family. Even if that meant she had to put her life in danger or on hold to be the provider. Willa was forced to return home but little did she know in doing so she would be forced to face all the things in her past in which she had been telling herself never happened. She had always been very good at being a head woman in charge but she always felt there was something missing in her life. Damon, her long lost love. Will Willa be open enough to allow Damon into her life again or will she continue to live the easy life? Not allowing anything or anyone to hurt her or get close to her?
1. What inspired you to write?
My inspiration comes from the ability to conquer my goals. At an early age I set a goal to publish at least two books by the time I turned thirty years old. I conquered that goal because I conquered that goal I know I can do all things beyond my wildest imagination.
2. How many unpublished books do you have lurking under your bed?
How did you know that? Lol I enjoy writing so much that I will have about three word documents open and I’ll toggle through each and just write away. Now, the hard part comes when you’ve written it and you go over it afterwards and decide what goes, what stays, what needs to be pumped up and so on. That’s the hard part. Getting the work to read the way you envisioned.
3. How did you find the publisher?
I am currently with Passionate Publishing, where I published my book When a Tattered Past Catches you. I was urged by one of the current authors, Omegia Keys to check them out. I have to admit, once I reviewed their services and the commitment they have for their writers I knew that’s where I needed to be. My writing has grown tremendously. The editing process is wonderful and you can’t go through it without improving in ways you never knew you could improve.
4. How do your juggle a writing schedule?
It can be very difficult. I still work full-time and I go to school full-time. So, I get so caught up in my school work and my writing that I have to sometimes be forced away from the things I’m doing to have some me time. That’s where my boyfriend comes in. He’s very supportive but he’s also hard on me about pushing myself too much.
5. What's the best/worst part of being a writer?
The best part of being a writer is having your thoughts and imagination read by so many people and they enjoy it. That’s the part I love the most. To be completely honest with you, there is no worst part for me. Writing is something that I enjoy doing.
6. What is the most productive time of the day for you to write?
That would be when I get off of work and finish my homework. In the evening time when I can sit at my desk or lounge on my sofa and take myself into another world.
7. Do you start your projects writing with paper and pen or is it all on the computer
Oh no, I would just die with a pen and paper. Only because you would write all this down and then have to type it all up. The only time I would write things down would be if I got a thought and had to write it down before I forget.
8. Are you a published or a self published author and how do you come up with your cover art?
I allow my publishing company to design my cover art. The great thing about Passionate Writers is the design team will read your work and understand what you’re writing about and then come up with the cover art. They do such a great job with the all the books in that area.
9. How do/did you deal with rejection letters?
Oh the rejection letters. Lol When you are writing, you just know there is no one who couldn’t fall in love with your work. NOT! The rejection letters actually allows the person to know if this is something they want to do or if they’re just doing it just to do it. This will show you how determined and serious you are about your work. You will need think skin and know that for every no there will be a yes. It will just take time and patience. A lot of patience!
10. What's your advice about getting an agent?
I personally believe that would be at the author’s discretion. However, if you decide you would like to take that route you will definitely want to see what this agent has accomplished and who has she/he taken to extreme levels. If you are going to allow this person to take a percent of your money then that person should be getting you setup with a multitude of opportunities.
11. Do you have a critique partner?
I don’t have a specific person who critiques for me. However I do have a couple of people I allow to read my work and those two people hold no bars. My feelings are set aside because they will tell me exactly what they think. There goes that need for tough skin once again. Lol
11. What are you working on now that you can talk about?
I have recently signed to publish another book with Passionate Writers. However, at this time it is still in the phase of editing and design. I have begun writing an online literary soap with Writer’s Inn. I appear on channel 6 and my soap is entitled, The Familiar Stranger. This Soap is about a couple who have a lot to learn about each other. Though, Sheena is not happy with her current relationship Waymond Ingram, she fears being alone. But readers will soon learn that Waymond is bringing more to the relationship than just his love. You can visit on Channel 6 to check this out.
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Authors Networking:
Tasha Wright

Carelessness of the Heart coming soon
I can not do everything, but I can do something. I must not fail to do the something that I can do.
-Helen Keller-
Thank you for this opportunity to feature on your site Louise. Everyone please feel free to contact me at any of the links Louise has provided within this interview. I manage each and everyone of the sites. I hope you all enjoy my work! I most definitely enjoy writing every word. Thanks again Louise! I look forward to more opps for us to work together again soon!