From Louise Wise

Saturday, 17 February 2024

Let's interview your main character! Contact me now for an inclusion. It's FREE!

Are you an author looking to give your book character some extra attention? 

Do you want to give your readers a deeper understanding of your character's personality, motivations, and story?

If so, Book Buddies can help you out!

I am currently offering an interview service for book characters, where I will provide a set of questions to help you bring your character to life. 

Simply email me for the interview questions below, and I'll send them in a document for you to get started:

Your readers will love getting to know your characters on a deeper level!

 Your interview will be posted here and on Facebook and Goodreads.


Book cover.

Use a character picture if you have one (make sure you own the copywriter).

Purchase page link (I prefer universal).

Link to the author’s website.

Supply up to three social media links (excluding your email) if possible.

If you wish, supply a short scene of up to 500 words.

Answer up to 15 questions from those below, less if you want, but no more than 15 (you could be smart and answer several questions as *one!).

Please proofread your answers carefully. I may return your interview to dig for more information and to make it sound like a ‘one-to-one’ chat.

Introduction of protagonist

What is your full name? Do you have a nickname?

Where and when were you born? If you weren’t born, how did you come into being?

To which social class do you belong? How does it make you feel?

What is your background? What makes you you?

Where do you live?


Do you have annoying habits, quirks, strange mannerisms, or other defining characteristics?

What kind of distinguishing facial features do you have?

If you looked in a mirror, would you like what you saw?

Do you have any physical traits that stand out (such as scars, birthmarks, tattoos, etc.)? If you have scars/tattoos, how/why did you get them?

How old are you? Do you worry about getting older?

What colour is your hair/eyes? Do you have hair/eyes?

Are you a human? If not, what are you?


What are your likes/dislikes?

Why do you hate/love character A or B? Are you going to take revenge on them? Make friends with them? Why do they make you feel like you do?

What is your primary goal in life?

Do you have a job/hobby?

What would be your biggest wish/desire?

Are you in love?

What are you like between the sheets?

Are you a virgin? When/how did you lose it?

Are you easily angered?

Do you easily fall in love/make friends/fall out of regard with someone?

Do you have any regrets in life?


Your background/environment/family

Where do you live? Are you happy there?

Who are your parents? Are they still alive?

How would you describe your childhood?

Are you close to your family? How did/do you get along with family members?

Have you started your own family? Do you have any plans for a new addition?

Do you have a spouse or significant other?

Which person in your family (or friends) are you the closest to?

Who is the most important person in your life, and why?

Describe any influences in your past that led you to do the things you do/or have done today.

Who is the person you respect the most, and why?

Let’s go deeper…

Do you have a secret? Does anyone else know the secret? What would happen if you told someone this secret?

Do you own a gun (or any other weapon)? Killed anyone (either purposely or not)?

If you wanted to kill someone, how would you do it?

Do you have a criminal record? 

What do you consider your greatest achievement so far? Do other people think it’s great?

What would you change about yourself if you could wave a magic wand? If you have a magic wand, what’s stopping you from waving it?

There’s an elderly person and a young child, each on a separate cliff top; each will fall/jump. How do you cope (would you save them or not)? If you save both, how? If neither, why?

You’re in a lift with your favourite TV movie star. How do you react? Or, if you are a famous movie star, how would you respond in front of an awestruck fan?

Are you happy now your story has been told? Is there more to come?

Do you have a motto/favourite saying you’d like to share?

What do you think about the current news (in your area)?

How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings?

What, if anything, would you like to change about your life?

Who is the person you despise the most? (can be a fictional person or real-life)

If you knew you were going to die in 24 hours, name three things you would do in the time you had left.

* Example of answering several questions as one:

Are you easily angered?

Do you easily fall in love?

Do you have any regrets in life?

Which person in your family (or friends) are you the closest to?

I totally lost it and got super annoyed with myself when I fell for my bestie. I didn't just fall for her easily, it took me four whole years to realise my feelings! But when I finally worked up the courage to tell her how I felt, I messed up and tried to hook up with her, which really hurt her feelings. That's my biggest regret because she's my closest friend.




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