From Louise Wise

Thursday 19 October 2017

Authors Wanted for a 'Current Affairs' article written by YOUR protagonist #blog #guestpost #characterarticle #article #fiction

Beginning soon on WWBB is a 'current affairs' theme and authors are invited to write 300 - 900 words approx., in the POV of their character, about anything they like as long as it's current where they are, and send it to: wiselouise(AT) or HERE

Readers invest a lot of time getting to know characters in books, and sometimes they'd like to know more about how they tick, what they think and how they'd manage in today's fast-paced world.

Possible 'current affairs' ideas:

If your character wields magic would he/she use it to stop climate change? If your character is evil would they be rubbing their hands together at human suffering? Or maybe they’d be the ones to have caused it? Maybe your character is an animal and doesn't understand how humans can ignore the suffering of dogs from the local doggy pet shop? Or maybe they don’t understand humans, full stop! Your character could even be an alien, and wonders how we live in such close proximity (population). Maybe your character loves/hates Donald Trump? Or maybe your character just hates/loves the Kardashians!

This is your article, and your current affairs from your neck of the wood.

Also send in:

Author media:
Purchase links (up to three) of the book to be advertised.
Cover pic (of said book)
Blurb (as above).

Bio of character.
Photo of character.

So take advantage of this FREE promo event and write 300 - 900 words approx., in the POV of your character, about anything you like as long as it's current where you are, and send it to my EMAIL.

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