Full of ambition an Eastern despot seeks to control all magical items in the world of the novel.
These items, created in the distant past have become scattered over time, some coming into the possession of the Khan, others into the possession of a primitive pastoral people, and yet others into the possession of the European-like community of Endylmyr, located in the far reaches of the western plains. When the Khan sends armies to seize the devices, the various peoples of the North and West band together to resist, using the magical devices themselves to defeat the Khan’s schemes.
After a few misguided attempts to use the entire collection of magical items, Angmere, the historian, discovers an ancient rhyme that suggests three women are the key to the puzzle. Gwynyr, Hellwydd, and Hilst, acting the part of the three witches of Endylmyr, become a storm that has been brewing over the northern mountains and defeat the Khan’s attempt to seize the city. For the present at least, the peoples and cultures of the woods, steppes and plains are free from the threat of conquest.
Relax, and escape into the world of the Endylmyr. Ride the wave of this literary epic fantasy to your heart's content...
During that time, he also began to experiment with writing poetry. Some of his work was published in small campus magazines, and keeps most of the pieces he wrote stashed away in his bookcase. His love for poetry also led him into a co-editor role with a popular poetry magazine at the University of Wyoming. His love for writing soon had an added benefit as Charles went on to marry the best writer in the advanced composition course he taught there.
Inspired by authors such as James Lee Burke and James Crumley, Charles wrote his first novel, titled Indian Summer. He wrote two other novels, Crude Surgery and Green Reaper, before the pressure of family demands pushed his professional life into another direction.
Other circumstances kept Charles from writing for several years after that. It was not until his son sent him a short fantasy asking for his opinion that his passion arose again. From there, the idea of his most recent literary epic fantasy, A Chronicle of Endylmyr was born and the rest is history...
Click below for the interview:
What inspired you to write?
I have wanted to write since I learned to read. Inspiration? Initially Conan Doyle and Franklin W. Dixon (The Hardy Boy Mysteries), and later C.S. Forrester, D.H Lawrence and J.R.R.Tolkien.
Tell us a little about your main character?
Is he/she someone you’d like to meet? Gylfalin is a former mercenary and orphan who has found a new life studying with the scholar Angmere and marrying his widowed daughter. He is fearless, loyal, compassionate, and possesses a strong moral core. Events in the plot draw him back to the world of war, though he continues to develop as a lover, father, and sorcerer.
Can we have a snippet from the book?
Yes. Here is the beginning of the main story:
Gylfalin rode out at dawn, leaving the smoke and stench of Farendyl behind as his mount quickly breasted the crest of the surrounding plain, then cantered off north in the direction of Endylmyr, the place of his birth and home to the few relations he could number among the living. He glanced back once. The smoke of the village fires rose above the horizon, drifting into a long flat tail that hung motionless in the frozen air, showing faintly in the first light of day. Though the town was tucked in among the trees of the low ground along the river, out of sight from the level of the plain, in full light its pennant of wood smoke would announce its location to any interested observer—the hunter returning from the hunt, the merchant in search of commerce, or, in the instance he feared, the raiding party seeking loot or slaves.
There had been rumors lately, carried by traders visiting Farendyl on their seasonal rounds, of horsemen from the East encroaching further and further into the northwestern reaches of the great grasslands. While out hunting just two days before, Gylfalin had crossed paths with three of these horsemen. Coming over a rise, he suddenly found himself face to face with three strangely dressed men watering their odd looking mounts at a small stream that threaded its way through the grass. With a shout the three seized reins, swung themselves into their saddles and started in pursuit. Gylfalin survived the encounter only because he reacted quickly, reining his horse in a tight half circle and racing back over the rise. Hearing the thud of hooves at his back, he twisted around and loosed an arrow over the horse’s rump, knocking the nearest pursuer out of the saddle, repeating the shot a minute later as another came thundering up behind, lance at the ready. Gylfalin reined in and turned his mount to face the third man, putting an arrow to string as he did so.
His pursuer slowed and circled warily, bow in hand. The two riderless ponies studied the scene from a short distance away, reins dragging on the short, tough turf. One quickly lost interest in the humans and stretched its neck to crop the frosted grass underfoot. Gylfalin watched, waiting for his moment. The enemy horseman would have to drop the reins to slip an arrow from the quiver on his back before he could draw and release, while Gylfalin, having twisted his reins around the wooden pommel of his saddle, sat with arrow knocked, bow at the ready. His mount turned as he had been trained, to keep the adversary always directly before him. Recognizing his disadvantage, the surviving rider made his decision. With a look of challenge and a cry in a tongue Gylfalin had never heard before, he pulled back on his reins, turned his pony and galloped away past the bodies of his two dead companions, and soon disappeared from sight in the rolling folds of the plain.
How did you find the publisher/agent? What was the journey like? Ever feel like giving up?
Yes, I felt like giving up when I couldn’t find a publisher or agent who was willing to read a 180,000 word manuscript. I finally decided to publish with Outskirts Press after reviewing the services and costs of a number of other self-publishers.
How do your juggle a writing schedule with real-life work, or are you a full time writer?
I am retired, and write every morning for three to four hours.
What's the best/worst part of being a writer?
The best part is entertaining readers, the worst is wondering if my work is worthy.
Do you start your projects writing with paper and pen or is it all on the computer?
I wrote my first novel by hand, then moved to typewriters, and finally to a laptop. I now write exclusively on the laptop.
What/who do you draw inspiration from?
Ancient and contemporary native cultures, Western literature (starting with Homer, through Beowulf, Chaucer, Shakespeare, and J.R.R. Tolkien) my personal experience of having lived and delivered a son at home on the Flathead Indian Reservation, among other things.
Do you set yourself goals when you sit down to write such as word count?
I try to advance the storyline or further develop a character each day. I don’t count words.
Are you a published or a self-published author and how do you come up with your cover art?
I am self-published, and used an artist from Outskirts Press to create a scene from the plot, flanked by two important characters.
What are you working on now that you can talk about?
I have just finished volume two in the “Endylmyr” series. When it has been revised I plan to start volume three.
How do/did you deal with rejection letters?
I hang my head, take a deep breath and look for the next agent or publisher to contact.
What's your advice about getting an agent?
Get a recommendation from a friend who has successfully published.
Do you have a critique partner?
My sons and my girlfriend are educated, avid readers. I often defer to their judgment concerning the effectiveness of a scene or character.
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