Empty Chairs
Stacey Danson
Stacey Danson
The area in which we lived was an inner suburb of Sydney, only five minutes by bus from the shining harbor. I never saw the harbor or the city until I was almost twelve years old. I never once spoke to the neighbours on either side of the house. They ignored the screams, nobody ever came to check on what was going on. They didn't want to get involved. Nobody wanted to hear the sound of a small child begging for help.
Contacts: Blog
Empty Chairs will be released by Night Publishing at the end of 2010. It is an intensely graphic and raw account of child abuse in all its forms, and street life in the late 60s. Please be aware that it is not an easy read.
Stacy Danson, real name Suzannah Burke, began her writing career at the age of fifty-four. Encouraged by her daughter and friends she began to write short stories and poetry for a USA based on-line writing community. After winning excess of ten competitions for her shorts and poetry, she finally attempted her first novel. Dudes Down Under. A comedy/romance.
Lately, she has been signed by Night Reading for her biography Empty Chairs, which is written under the pen name Stacey Danson.
"Empty Chairs is a personal, raw and often brutal look at Child Abuse in all its forms. Be warned it is a no holds barred, raw and honest account."
This is no Cinderella story. No-one comes in on a white charger to rescue the child and carry her off to happy-ever-after land.
Dudes Down Under
Suzannah Burke
Suzannah Burke
Dudes Down Under, the most luxurious resort ever built. It sits on a privately owned Island on the Great Barrier Reef, off the northernmost region of Australia.There are, no cell-phones, no computers, no paparrazi.The Main Menu:
The world’s most famous talk show hostess and the owner of the island sign a deal, the result; Hollywood's 'A' listers all vying for a chance to be the first guests.
The method: they pay half a million dollars for the privilege of being randomly chosen from a barrel of names on her programme.
The Ingredients: The winners, include Hollywood’s foremost golden couple. His very unforgiving ex-wife. The young hotel heiress with a habit of driving whilst drunk and little else to commend her. Blend in a couple of famous expatriate Aussie actors Add the tower owning king of power with an unfortunate hairstyle and attitude.
Plus the television ‘hostess with the mostest’ and her film crew.
Add to the mixture:
The most politically incorrect bunch of Australian staff you are likely to meet, anywhere.
The Piece De resistance:
Cyril, who has impeccable dress sense, adores Al Pacino and Marlon Brando, drinks to excess, and has a fascinating attitude about well—everything! Well ... yes--he is a Crocodile, but he's family.
Blend the ingredients carefully then stand well back!
'Dudes Down Under' is waiting for you to arrive.
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